come on in

console table

console table by madelinepolton on Polyvore

After PB moved in, we made some upgrades and changes to the apartment. We now have a big couch that not only the two of us can nap on with Pashy. But the side effect is that our old console table is a little cramped looking. So I was pretty pumped with One Kings Lane decided to have an all entryway sale. I picked my 4 favorite --within reasonable price range (about $350) - and would love to hear what you think. Buy any new furniture recently? Any tips? I will confess. I am sometimes not the greatest at things like this. I have been known to make snap decisions that have come back to HAUNT me-- if I were to tell you the number of couches that I have had over the years, what has fit, what hasn't, I would be embarrassed. . So anything you got would be really helpful.


  1. Love them all but make sure and get one with drawers for keys etc!!

  2. top right. love the color and length. and i agree about the drawers!


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