what are you all making? french toast?

When PB and I were grocery shopping, he commented that bread and milk seemed to be the staples that go early which made him ask the above question. But now I have a question, what are you doing to keep yourself from going stir crazy? Here is what I have come up with.

1. Organize your make-up drawer. It needs it.
2. Do the same to your gym clothes. They also need it.
3. Take a nap on the couch
4. Give yourself a hair do! I am trying this one or this one
5. Send out those emails that you have been meaning to send.
6. Pay your bills. Especially your cable bill. Now is not the time that you want this puppy to go out.
7. Now that your cable isn't going out, watch these NYMag recommended shows.
8. Do something about all the pictures on your iphone. Back them up, delete them, whatever. Just do something.
9. Consider coming over to take Pashy out for a walk a la Alec Baldwin.
10. Amazon. Put everything in your cart and then close the link. We are on a spending freeze people
11. Read. A magazine, a book, a blog (thank you), just read.
12. Reward yourself and make brownies


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