Reporting live from Brooklyn

How do you start a blog? Google was able to answer the logisitics of that question for me but what I am still wondering is what you should say in your actual first post to make it something that you ( and by that I am mean me) will feel ok putting out there is the world. Well here goes. I'm Maddy reporting living here from my couch in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn where I live with my man and my dog.

I was out for drinks the per night with a friend that I hadn't seen since middle school. We turned 30 this year and seemed to both like our jobs but crave more. This had led me to be at a comfortable stand still and instead she enrolled in a part time MFA program one night a week after work. I was impressed.

I am not sure what I want this blog to become but I know that I want it to be a mind exercise for me, a way to flex some creative muscles that might otherwise go slack. I vow to commit to you dear blog. For the next three week, posting a minimum of 5 times a week.

Let's go!

Pics to come


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