When I wrote the post earlier this week about French womens hair, I was reminded of a NYTimes article published a few years ago that stuck with me. "The Unfairest of Them All" piece discussed the term Jolie Laide, translating to "Pretty Ugly" and addressed the French concept of women that are unconventional looking in a way that one might first see as ugly but then see as beautiful. A few months ago, NYMag created an unrelated slide show of 40 Women That Women Find Beautiful. After going through the slide show again this week, thinking about how French women approach hair and rereading the NYTimes piece, and scrolling the NYMag slide show one more time, I began to realize it is all about the confidence that these women have. I know that this is a little deep for MP Daily but today, let's get deep.These women on this list are all powerful, self driven role models that have the confidence to try new hair styles and wear new things even if it means bucking the trends a little bit. They all have the brain power to back it up. Who are the women that you admire? Why? Do you think public figures should be our role models?

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