New Years Goals

Like almost everyone this time of year, I have some goals and aspirations for 2013. And since this a public space, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to put them out there...and kinda make me own them even more. So here goes, in no particular order....
1. Bring lunch to work! For a long time, I was doing really well with this. And then for some reason, I fell off. Time to get back on especially since my next goal is...
2. Think about the money that I spend. For a time, my spending freeze was only really for clothes and fun things that they sell at the check out of Urban Outfitters. For 2013, I would like to take it to the next level. I am talking coupons, using cloth napkins instead of paper towels and becoming better at doing my own nails to limit the manicures.
3. Travel. The reason that I am trying to be better about my money is because PB and I have been talking about taking a trip. Maybe Paris, maybe Berlin, maybe some place we don't know yet. But a passport will get stamped.
4. Teach myself blogging tricks. Ok so I know that this blog isn't the visually attractive blog out there. I do like some of the little things on here but I want to be better, for both you and me. So I plan on spending a new extra hours at night and over the weekends to teach myself some tricks of the trade. Just a heads up, when I do learn something new, I will most likely brag and look for some encouragement.
5. Comment more on other blogs. I know how important it is when people take the time to comment on this blog (THANK YOU) and I need to pay it forward. Let others know I virtually love them.
6. Reply! Like everyone else out there, I get a lot of emails. And sometimes I let them sit longer than they need or would like to. I am going to try to be better.
7. Along the lines of personal stuff, I want to work on my tone. When PB and I disagree, I can jump down his throat while he talks reasonably. Not cool Maddy, not cool.
8. Jiggle less in the middle. The favorite of every list. I am not looking to run a marathon, just to think about the food that I eat. To move my body more.   Get your mind out of the gutter.

Any goals that you have for the year? Doesn't 2013 not roll off your tongue? Anyone want me to keep track of how I am doing?


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