Wu-Tang Clain Ain't Nothing To Sign With

My co-worker Katie sent me this link today and I had to share. Wu-Tang, R. Kelly and others performed at this years Bonnaroo festival and were assigned an amazing ASL Interpreter who basically stole the show. Check her out on Gawker for her Wu-Tang performance, I particularly liked the R. Kelly one below. Remember Lydia during Hurricane Sandy?

This ain't your McMuffin...

This past weekend, I went to Boston to visit some of my closest friends from college. If you follow me on Instagram, you can see that I had a total blast. The icing on the cake was on Sunday morning, before I left, I visiting Flour Bakery in Cambridge. I had been there once before, nearly 3 years ago with the same friends before a road trip and had been dreaming of their egg sandwich ever since. It was everythign that I dreamed of and came home wanting more. Which is why I was so pumped to see that it is featured on the Flour Website which even has an instructional video. I haven't made it yet, but totally am trying to come up with an breakfast party excuse to serve this. YUM!

I want to see this movie.

About a month ago, my parents went to see this movie and ever since then, I have been dying to see it. (How is a movie going to show up in Montclair first...?)


It's on my summer list. Along with This Is The End, White House Down (I know) and The Kings of Summer. What is on yours?

Sibling Love.

My older sister Maya and her family recently moved back to the town that we grew up in. They have just had their second sweetheart baby and were running out of space in their Park Slope apartment. 75% of me was happy for them. I knew that it was the right move for them and the house that they found is perfect. But it also means that I could no longer jump on the M63 bus and be at their house in 15 minutes. Ok, so I will be honest, their new town, Montclair is only 12 miles away. And we have a car so it makes it even easier.

 A few years ago, my younger sister Rachael and I lived together for a year. It was during that time, all three of us were able to see each other whenever we wanted which was pretty often. Now Rachael lives the life we all want to live in the cornfields of Ohio, swimming, biking and doing college admissions. And I realized that for the first time in a long time, all 3 of us live in different states.

Then a few weeks ago, Maya sent around this article by the ever awesome Frank Bruni about the importance of siblings.  It really hit home for me. At this point, we have all never been this physically far from each other. But at the same time, we have never been closer. Rach emailed us dinner suggestions last night, I will probably see Maya this weekend and in July, we will all get to hang out together in Cape Cod. But I am now so sure that regardless of where we all live, we will always be close.

TGI-Coke Bottle Made Of Ice

I want one.

Why I look forward to the subway

I have recently fallen hard for a new (to me) podcast Uhh Yeah Dude. Though is has been around for 7 years, I only now have joined the bandwagon and am totally hooked. And with 300-plus episodes, I am no longer on the subway running out of things to listen to. The two hosts Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Larroquette (yes, his father is of Night Court fame) spend an hour reading, talking and making fun of topical new. This description hardly does it justice. All I can say is check them out.

Here is a little more information about the duo and podcase on Reverb.

Tonight for Dinner

Since the summer is here, Paul and I have been super busy. With him traveling more for work, my dinner routines have turned more to the cereal, stir-fry and occasional take out. With tonight (and I think the remainder of this week) we will both be home for dinner and I plan on making this Vietnamese Pork Chop that I spied in last months Bon Appetit. This just looks like the perfect summer food. Maybe we will even sneek up to the roof and dine alfresco. What are you making these days? Any summer recipes that are must tries?

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