Paris Apartment Booked

While all good things, has been a really stressful week for me. Work has the best of me right now and is keeping me up nights. Thank God PB is a good sleeper and doesn't even notice the glow of the iPad at 3am while I read Sherlock Holmes.
One thing that we did cross of the list was book our apartment in Paris. When we went to Barcelona a few years ago, we took a chance and booked an apartment instead of a hotel. At this point, I am sure I am not telling anyone anything new here but if you have never traveled this way, go for it! It made our lives so easy, keeping snacks and drinks in the fridge and even running a load of laundry so that we left with clean clothes. When it came time to booking out place in Paris, everyone, including our from Genevieve told us to look in the Marais neighborhood. Scrolling through Airbnb, I came across this apartment and just fell in love. When I sent it to Genevieve for her thoughts, she said it was on her favorite street in all of Paris! Needless to say, we booked it right away. What about you guys? Any trips coming up? Have you ever rented a place insterad of staying in a hotel? Here are a few picks of where we are staying.


  1. i agree! totally the way to go. as you know, mel and I rented one when we spent the summer in barcelona and loved it (minus the whole burglary incident)! my family rented one when we went to visit lee in florence, and it was the best decision we could have made. what a great trip you've got planned!

  2. I'm so jealous. I love, love, love Paris. The Marais is the perfect place to stay - so centrally located and so much to do. My sisters and I took a great wine class in the Marais in the instructors apartment (Oliver from O'Chateau). It was such a fun way to spend an afternoon.

  3. sounds amazing! and the apartment is truly "paris chic" :)


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