
I need to raid my parents house for better pictures showing more love between us, though  this is  a classic

Happy Birthday to my younger sister Rachael today! Rachael actually lives in Ohio but surprised us when she flew in a few weeks ago to all celebrate February birthdays which was so awesome and sweet. It was one of those things that was so perfect considering as I was locking the door to leave the house, PB said "I wish Rachie were coming tonight." Our minds were blown!  Happy Birthday Rach! Thanks for always letting me know what the kids are listening to, how to wear my clothes cooler and making PB laugh like no one else can. You are the best little sister in the world and I love you so much!


  1. You look thrilled! And exactly the same.

    Happy Birthday RACH!

  2. This picture is so good. On so many reasons. Oh, and maddy looks exactly the same then as now. still.


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