Missed Connections Break Down

Published in Psychology Today,  Dorothy Gambrell's Missed Connections map is fascinating. Printed within the confines of each state line is the most common place that Missed Connections occur via Craigslist.  Have you ever posted a Missed Connection? Or ever been the connection missed? I have to admit that during my first year of living in New York, I posted one. And true to this map, it was for a dude that I would see all the time on the L Train. He never wrote back. Wa wa.

From Psychology Today
Thanks Lanie for sending this my way!


  1. what up walmart!! thats where i pick up all my men.

  2. Longtime reader and occasional guest star in MCs!

  3. There is a depressing trend the more inward of middle America you go. Also, for those of you havent been to a Sheetz gas station in Pennsylvania they're not lying. You can pick up anything there!


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