Thank you Time Warner
PB, Pashy and I are safe and sound and hunkering down again today. I am so glad that I opened this piece of mail from Time Warner. It could not have come at a better time. Now fingers crossed that we don't have an outage. Homeland here we come!
what are you all making? french toast?
When PB and I were grocery shopping, he commented that bread and milk seemed to be the staples that go early which made him ask the above question. But now I have a question, what are you doing to keep yourself from going stir crazy? Here is what I have come up with.
1. Organize your make-up drawer. It needs it.
2. Do the same to your gym clothes. They also need it.
3. Take a nap on the couch
4. Give yourself a hair do! I am trying this one or this one
5. Send out those emails that you have been meaning to send.
6. Pay your bills. Especially your cable bill. Now is not the time that you want this puppy to go out.
7. Now that your cable isn't going out, watch these NYMag recommended shows.
8. Do something about all the pictures on your iphone. Back them up, delete them, whatever. Just do something.
9. Consider coming over to take Pashy out for a walk a la Alec Baldwin.
10. Amazon. Put everything in your cart and then close the link. We are on a spending freeze people
11. Read. A magazine, a book, a blog (thank you), just read.
12. Reward yourself and make brownies
1. Organize your make-up drawer. It needs it.
2. Do the same to your gym clothes. They also need it.
3. Take a nap on the couch
4. Give yourself a hair do! I am trying this one or this one
5. Send out those emails that you have been meaning to send.
6. Pay your bills. Especially your cable bill. Now is not the time that you want this puppy to go out.
7. Now that your cable isn't going out, watch these NYMag recommended shows.
8. Do something about all the pictures on your iphone. Back them up, delete them, whatever. Just do something.
9. Consider coming over to take Pashy out for a walk a la Alec Baldwin.
10. Amazon. Put everything in your cart and then close the link. We are on a spending freeze people
11. Read. A magazine, a book, a blog (thank you), just read.
12. Reward yourself and make brownies
i have to be honest
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Oh Duncan Hines, you completely me |
this was probably the most important purchase during our weekly shop. are you baking anything?
this week in meals, the Sandy Addition
As you can tell, we survived our weekly trip to Fairway. Now here is what I plan on doing with all the stuff we got. Clockwise starting from the top left.
1. Beef Stew a la Pioneer Woman. Its officically fall and then some. Lets do it right.
2. Crispy Edamame. Since Bloomberg got us and closed the subways, it has been declared that I will be working from home tomorrow. These seem like the perfect mid-day snack.
3. Spaghetti and Meatballs. These are actually simmering on the stovetop right now. I will admit that Food Network got their hooks in me. I saw these on The Best Thing I Ever Made and decided they had to be mine. The storm is making me feel less guilty about it.
4. Pad Thai. Now that we are watching our pennies, take out really isn't an option but the problem is that I am still craving it. Enter Pad Thai. Homeboy is pretty easy to make and probably a lot healthier and cheaper than the version I was ordering through Seamless.
5. Sausage Pizza. If we are going to trapped indoors for the next few days, pizza is always invited. Nuff said.
6. Zucchini Saute. I had this as a side recently at Bocca Lupo, a local restaurant and gobbled them all up completly to myself even though we were sharing. They actually make them almost like pasta and I am curious if I can do that. Regardless, I think it will be delish.
What are you guys making this week? Anyone trapped due to Sandy and working on something good? Let me know!
The storm before the storm
storms a'coming!
getting my ramen fix
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Deli Ramen at Dassara. Image from Time Out |
I am so happy to tell you that I can now officially squash that beef. Ramen has come to Cobble Hill/Carrol Gardens! Dassara recently opened on Smith Street and I am so ready to check it out. It was just written up in TimeOut NY as one the best cold weather foods around (so defintly not for today, why is it so gross out?). This might have to go on the weekends bucket list.
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Dassara from the outside. Look for me on the inside |
you get a gold star!
A few months ago I decided that I would like to grow my hair
Kardashian long (sans extensions) and so far I was fairly happy with my progress. But then I fell into a
rut, inspired by bloggers everywhere. I turned to the top knot and got stuck in
a bun rut. I love that it is an instant style,
works with my slightly dirty hair and even my bangs. But enough was enough. Plus
my head started to hurt. So I have started a new trend for me. Wearing my hair
down. This also means that I have to actually do it which I am still getting
the hang of. There are some mornings when I miss that having a bun was a look and have been on the Pinterest search for fun
ways to show off my locks. It was there that I noticed a ton of these stars for
your hair.
These really any color stars come in clips , headbands, and
are probably completely DIY-able. Though Etsy and Catbird really have some
awesome ones ready to go. What do you think? Would you wear these? What about
to work?
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Clockwise starting from top left: Studded Rose, Catbird, Esty, Pinterest User |
the most underrated show out there
is back tonight. get your dvr's ready, Happy Endings on abc is back! Honestly guys, this show is so funny that even when I am watching the episodes that I have already seen, I still crack up. A la Reading Rainbow, you don't have to take my word for it, NYMag (whose taste is pretty on point) totally loves it too. Let me know if you watch!
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Happy Endings Cast Picture from Here |
A Fun Game
PB and I have a running game that we play when watching TV. Have you ever noticed how many celebrities do the voice overs for TV commercials these days? Our game is whoever can call out who it is correctly first wins, and by wins, I mean gets bragging rights. We are both pretty competitive people but in this game, I have to admit, I am a little bit better. Something inside of me is a celebrity radar, I just can't turn it off. Did you get them all?
Fivel goes west
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Rach and Me. |
So as I have mentioned before on this blog, I am a big fan
of podcasts. One that I have particular fondness for is the Joy the Baker featuring Tracy from Shutterbean. I have hyped it up so much that I got Rachael,
my younger sister to listen to it also. It has proved helpful. since she now lives in Ohio and is on the
road, driving from school to school in her admissions job for Kenyon. I kinda love that Rachael and I have this podcast to share—think Fivel and his
sister singing Somewhere Out There at the moon but with less cute voices.
Anyway, I know that Joy and Tracy record the podcast on Wednesday night so
during my commute home on Friday evening, I was excited to remember that I had
a new one to listen to. The format of the show is basically a random topic, Joy
and Tracy discussing what’s in their world recently and then they take
questions, calls, emails from listeners. As my train ride was ending, they got
to the listeners questions portion of the show. First a bridesmaids question
that was interesting and am curious how it turned out. The next question an
email from a listener named Rachael. At first, I didn’t flinch. But then they
read the question. Rachael had recently moved to a very rural small town to work
for her college in the admissions department. Ok. I sat up straighter. She loved
her job but after moving from Brooklyn, she was having a hard time meeting people
and finding friends and would love their advice. OMG! I wanted to grab the person next to me. The letter
went on to say that she loved to podcast for a bunch of reasons, including that
it made her feel like she was hanging out with her sisters. it was then that I must have looked like a grinning nutcase who then became teary. This
letter was from my younger sister and former roommate Rachael. As Joy and Tracy answered her question, I couldn’t
help but get goose bumps. I could really picture them talking to Rach, trying
in funny ways to give really helpful thoughts and ideas about how to meet in
people in her area.
I called Rach immediately after I heard it, she hadn’t even
listened to this week yet and was pretty surprised about the whole thing. My
whole family got a kick out of the story too. Thank you Joy and Tracy for giving me
a reason to sing at the top of my lungs “ And even though I know how very far
apart we are, it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright
while on the topic of breaking the bank
When I opened my email this morning, staring at me was a notice. Take an additional 25% off all sale clothing at Anthropologie. This is what I call being tested. I actually find it helpful to look through all of it , even adding things to my basket and then quickly closing the page and walking away. For anyone interested in what I did place in my basket, here is a peak.I found the Blue Suede Skirt to be particularly hard to walk away from. Please feel free to email me for size information if you feel like making a purchase in my honor. :) Did you see anything that you liked? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Pants Seen Here, Suede Skirt Seen Here and Tee Dress Seen Here |
if i were going to thaw my spending freeze
it would be on this skirt. come to mama. seen on Asos Here.
When I should be reading my book for book club, I sometimes find myself trolling on Kickstarter. If you aren't familiar, Kickstarter is a site for new and growing business that are seeking financing. Anyone can contribute to a project and depending on the amount that you give, you often get something from the company once they launch in return. it can be incredibly gratifying to feel as though you helped a company start, even if you don't get anything in return, you are helping someone that you believe in start something that they believe in. This is one that I have been drawn (pun intended) to recently. Tyler Deeb is creating a custom designed and incredibly detailed front and back deck of cards. Check out his video, it's pretty cool.
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Mock Up Ten of Clubs Seen on Kickstarter |
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Mock of Ace of Diamonds Seen on Kickstarter |
If you feel like planning ahead
Just a heads up that the Gilt City right how is running a deal for that gets is pretty sweet through October 25th. Here is the breakdown; 50.00 for $100.00, $100.00 for $200.00 and the whopper, $500.00 for $1,000.00 in merchandise. I have never sent a holiday card but this might be the deal that does it. has such fun and unique, here are a few of my favorites.
just a reminder
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Seen Here |
Just in case this sounds like a bummer, I mean this in the most positive way. Recently, when my expectations have been low, I have been wowed. I would like to keep it that way.
oh double heck yes
It was just announced Fey and Amy Poehler will be hosting the 2013 Golden Globes. Just enough time for me to figure out how to successfully DVR something. I am looking at you New Girl.
how did you get those pictures?
I will have an ACL recap later this week, with some guest posting from Amy on the music.
But in the meantime....
To be a blogger, it seems like you have to take amazing photos that make like look magical and perfect all the time. Which is maybe why I sometimes avoid putting personal pictures on this site, I am just not sure how to take those magical pictures. Enter The Photojojo Store. This site is jam packed super cool add-ons and gadgets for your camera and phone. I have learned that some of these items are bloggers secret trick. A charger that is also a tripod- check. A iPhone shutter remote- check. And my personal favorite, a scuba suit for your iPhone. You will be with my on my next vacation. So with all these amazing tools, can someone still give me a lesson on better picture taking? thanks!
Seriously, any tips for better picture taking is always appreciated.
But in the meantime....
To be a blogger, it seems like you have to take amazing photos that make like look magical and perfect all the time. Which is maybe why I sometimes avoid putting personal pictures on this site, I am just not sure how to take those magical pictures. Enter The Photojojo Store. This site is jam packed super cool add-ons and gadgets for your camera and phone. I have learned that some of these items are bloggers secret trick. A charger that is also a tripod- check. A iPhone shutter remote- check. And my personal favorite, a scuba suit for your iPhone. You will be with my on my next vacation. So with all these amazing tools, can someone still give me a lesson on better picture taking? thanks!
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I kinda loved this photo. Seen on The Photojojo website |
Todays Line Up
Just in case you were interested, here it todays line up for ACL. Pretty excited to get my wiggle on and see some wild things (and people).
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All Photos By Dave Mead seen on Rock Paper Photo |
heading to austin
Right now should be packing for my trip for Austin. But instead I will blog.
I am heading to Austin City Limits for the weekend but more importantly
hang out with my friends Amy and Barbara. Whenever I go to these type of
concerts, I inevitably hate what I am wearing when I see all the super cool girls
and what they are rocking. I am also notoriously bad at packing. I tend to throw
all my favorite things in a bag without really thinking what will go together. Or
I pack only nice tops and nothing to hang in during the day. Or no underwear.
So at least I am starting to make a plan. Jeans, shorts, button downs, nicer tanks, comfy
shoes, a bag that makes sense. Here is what I wish would be in my closet when I take
my travel bag. I should get cracking...
Find Myrtle: Help Find Myrtle
Hi Guys, as a fellow dog owner and lover and Brooklynite, I had to share.....keep your eyes peeled!
Myrtle is a 6 pound, black chihuahua that went missing on Oct 6th in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Please tweet, share on Facebook, hang posters and send love. Here is additioanl information about How to help find Myrtle click here Find Myrtle: Help Find Myrtle:
Apple Picking
Though this was a tough weekend, on Saturday we had some down time and decided to do a family activity. It really helps when there is a 2 1/2 year old in the mix aka the best nephew in the world Jake. So we loaded up the cars and went apple picking. If you are looking for a place relatively close to NYC, I totally recommend Wightman's Farm in Morristown, NJ. The apples were great and on top of that, they also sell cider doughnuts, pickles on a stick, pumpkins, pies and all sorts of farm goodies. The cherry on top was they had a pumpkin slingshot! For a few bucks, you get a bunch of mini pumpkins to slingshot into a field. Thought you might want to see a few pics.
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Pumpkin Slinging, Rach and Dad |
Watching pumpkins fly, Sister Sister, Jake the Farmer |
approaching a stranger for the sake of fashion
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Penfield Landis Jacket Seen Here |
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Penfield Evansville Bag Seen Here |
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Penfield Rockwool Jacket Seen Here |
red, white and blue. or not
When I saw this flag on Design Crush, I stared at it for 5 minutes. Something about this all white washed out American flag really struck me and I liked it. What do you guys think? Would this be something that you would hang in your house? Do you hate it?
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White Flag from Stampd' LA |
come on in
console table by madelinepolton on Polyvore
After PB moved in, we made some upgrades and changes to the apartment. We now have a big couch that not only the two of us can nap on with Pashy. But the side effect is that our old console table is a little cramped looking. So I was pretty pumped with One Kings Lane decided to have an all entryway sale. I picked my 4 favorite --within reasonable price range (about $350) - and would love to hear what you think. Buy any new furniture recently? Any tips? I will confess. I am sometimes not the greatest at things like this. I have been known to make snap decisions that have come back to HAUNT me-- if I were to tell you the number of couches that I have had over the years, what has fit, what hasn't, I would be embarrassed. . So anything you got would be really helpful.
After PB moved in, we made some upgrades and changes to the apartment. We now have a big couch that not only the two of us can nap on with Pashy. But the side effect is that our old console table is a little cramped looking. So I was pretty pumped with One Kings Lane decided to have an all entryway sale. I picked my 4 favorite --within reasonable price range (about $350) - and would love to hear what you think. Buy any new furniture recently? Any tips? I will confess. I am sometimes not the greatest at things like this. I have been known to make snap decisions that have come back to HAUNT me-- if I were to tell you the number of couches that I have had over the years, what has fit, what hasn't, I would be embarrassed. . So anything you got would be really helpful.
Our newest addition
Meet Jade |
When PB and I were walking home after breaking the fast a few weeks ago, we passed by two Jade Plants with notes attached to them. They needed a home and since we were about a block from our house anyway, we figured that Pashy needed some greenery during the day and took the more managable of the two home. I think she is perfect. I call her Jade. Creative.
This note was what sold it for me. Actually Jade was free but you know what I mean. I love the handwriting. |
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